Tuesday, May 10, 2011


As far as I can remember this picture was taken in 1998, when I was 9 years old. Together with my parents and uncle, we went for a trip to London. It was a present for my birthday, and from that time my great love and passion towards football has started. I've started playing football with my friends, both from school and neighbourhood, as well as attending football matches with my father and supporting our local team Lech. The only thing that has changed so far, is my favourite team that I support. It's no longer Lech Poznań, but at present it's Manchester United, which I've been supporting since 1999.
Those days were great. I had a lot of leisure time that I spent either meeting with my friends and playing football or cycling, or watching matches on tv as well as playing virtual football on my computer. I loved to spent actively my free time, so after the lessons I ate my dinner, did my homework, changed my clothes and went outside till the late evening hours.
Regretably I don't have as much free time as I used to have when I was at my primary school. Moreover I don't live in Poznań anymore, so it's harder for me to go and play football with my friends. Although, during the weekends I still find some spare time, take my bike and cycle to Poznań to play football with my friends from studies as well as with friends from my previous neighbourhood. I hope that You'll also enjoy looking at my photo. All the best c ya.
And here I am with Paul Gascoigne, the English Midfielder, in Madame Tussauds.


  1. You do seem a devoted football fan :) It takes some courage to say you are one, these days. I hope things change for the better soon, and watching football will no longer be such a risky business.

  2. a great photo

    Every boy dreams about being a football player and not many grow up...

    Enjoy your passion
